Patient Selfies

Throughout life, our bodies change due to factors such as aging, genetics, weight fluctuation, and pregnancy and childbirth. While some people can achieve their hoped-for figure through diet and exercise, many adults still struggle with a body image that a healthy lifestyle alone cannot address. For example, exercising regularly can improve muscle definition and tone but cannot minimize aging skin that has started to sag or eliminate excess tissue following significant weight loss.

Many men and women consider non-invasive or surgical procedures to address specific concerns or enhance their overall physiques. When you are interested in learning more about body sculpting in Houston and the approaches available, consider discussing your goals with our talented plastic surgeon, Dr. Oren Mushin, at the Memorial Center for Cosmetic Surgery.

What Is Body Sculpting?

Body sculpting refers to a variety of procedures designed to help you achieve your ideal figure. Being unsatisfied with your appearance can negatively affect your state of mind, so undergoing body contouring treatments in Houston can provide you with greater self-confidence. We offer surgical options including:

All our services can be combined with each other—or with breast or face surgeries—for a more comprehensive approach. We also provide body sculpting procedures designed specifically with the male physique in mind, such as abdominal etching and gynecomastia (male breast reduction) surgery.

Am I a Candidate for Body Sculpting?

Body sculpting in Houston can address a wide variety of concerns, including stubborn fat deposits, skin laxity due to aging, and excess skin following weight loss or pregnancy. Good candidates for body contouring are adults whose weight loss has stabilized, are in generally good health, and have realistic goals for surgical results.

The best way to determine whether you are a good candidate for surgery and to learn which procedure or combination of treatments would best suit your needs is by scheduling a consultation with our team. During this visit, Dr. Mushin will thoroughly review your health history and your aesthetic goals to customize a treatment plan. In some cases, he may recommend lifestyle changes prior to surgery to ensure the best results, such as quitting smoking.

Dr. Mushin will also explain what to expect from your procedures, including pre-and post-op instructions and downtime and recovery requirements. We schedule most people for follow-up visits following their surgery so we can track their healing progress.

Schedule a Consultation for Houston Body Sculpting

Body contouring is a wonderful option for removing excess fat and loose skin to achieve a smoother, more toned, and more youthful appearance. If you are unhappy with your figure or would like to rejuvenate your look, reach out to our caring team to schedule a consultation for body sculpting in Houston.

At the Memorial Center for Cosmetic Surgery, our patient-focused care and skill are second to none. We pride ourselves on an individualized approach that yields dramatic physical and emotional results. Let us help you get started on your journey to achieving your aesthetic goals.

Client showcasing Tummy Tuck results with a cropped top, posing confidently. Face is not visible, holding a phone in the left hand.
Client showcasing remarkable results, highlighting the successful outcome of a transformative procedure.
Client posing confidently in a bikini, face not visible, showcasing the successful results of a cosmetic procedure with a focus on body transformation.
A satisfied female client showcasing the after results of the procedure, highlighting the positive outcome and transformative effects.
Take a look at our real patient selfies
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