Patient Selfies

Large, protruding, misshapen, or uneven labia can be a source of discomfort for many women. It can also affect self-confidence, intimacy, and even cause pain during intercourse. Some females are born with these issues while others, develop them over time. For years, many women simply internalized their struggles but now Dr. Mushin offers his patients a solution to this affliction. To learn more about vaginal rejuvenation in Houston and the other body contouring procedures we offer, contact our team today.

What is a Labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure designed to eliminate excess skin from the labia minora, improving the outward appearance of the vagina. Sometimes, extra fat can be added to the labia majora if enhancement is desired. This Houston vaginal rejuvenation procedure takes approximately one hour, and can usually be done in an outpatient setting. The extra tissue is trimmed and the edges are over-sewn with absorbable suture. The final results of a labiaplasty often look more attractive and feel more comfortable.

Can You Combine Procedures?

Yes, multiple procedures can be performed at once. However, for safety purposes, we typically limit procedures to five hours total if done in an ambulatory setting.

What is the recovery process like?

Typically, patients can return to work 2-3 days after vaginal rejuvenation in Houston. Pain medication is usually prescribed as some discomfort and swelling is expected initially. Sexual intercourse should wait for four to six weeks to allow for full healing and restoration of sensation.

Call to Learn More About Vaginal Rejuvenation in Houston

Houston-raised Dr. Oren Paul Mushin is a fully-trained, highly-skilled plastic surgeon whom you can trust with your care. Educated at Duke University, one of the top medical schools in the country, and trained in New York, he brings with him extensive knowledge of cosmetic surgery to Texas. Above all, he is caring with his patients, and meticulous in his approach. Call us today to make an appointment to learn more about your options for vaginal rejuvenation in Houston. We look forward to hearing from you!

Client showcasing Tummy Tuck results with a cropped top, posing confidently. Face is not visible, holding a phone in the left hand.
Client showcasing remarkable results, highlighting the successful outcome of a transformative procedure.
Client posing confidently in a bikini, face not visible, showcasing the successful results of a cosmetic procedure with a focus on body transformation.
A satisfied female client showcasing the after results of the procedure, highlighting the positive outcome and transformative effects.
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