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Excess skin or fat preventing you from reaching your goals of being toned? Tried everything including diet and exercise, and just can’t manage to get that trouble area to flatten out? Then a tummy tuck (abdominoplasty) or liposuction might be for you!

As we age, our metabolism changes, and it can be harder and harder to lose weight. That, combined with pregnancy and hormonal changes, can make weight gain almost inevitable for some people. When we age, our skin also loses some of its elasticity, so even if we do lose weight, our skin might not be able to spring back to where it used to be. A tummy tuck in Houston can help with these issues in the abdomen. Liposuction can be an adjunct to this, or a way to target fat in other areas. Dr. Mushin has experience with a wide variety of different body contouring procedures. Come visit us or call our office to find out more!

What Are the Options for Tummy Tucks?

There are several different techniques for tummy tucks or abdominoplasties in Houston. The one that’s right for you depends on your body and your goals. Some different kinds of tummy tucks include:

The Mini Tummy Tuck

The mini tummy tuck is perfect for people with much of their abdominal fat under the belly button. Much of the tissue under the naval is removed. The incision is placed under the bikini line, meaning you can usually hide the incision. Liposuction can be combined with this procedure to contour the upper abdomen.

Traditional or Full Tummy Tuck

The abdominoplasty is the work-horse for abdominal contouring. This operation addresses the upper and lower abdomen, allowing for an improved contour across the entire area. Depending on the patient, the muscles can be tightened as well to create a nice, firm abdomen. The incision typically runs from hip to hip, under the bikini line. The skin is separated from the abdominal wall, while the belly button is left attached and moved to a new location. This option is ideal for weight-loss patients as well as many post-pregnancy patients.

Extended Tummy Tuck

The extended tummy tuck addresses the abdomen as well as the hips, and part of the back. It is performed like a full abdominoplasty, except that the incision typically runs past the hip to contour as much skin as possible.

T-Incision Tummy Tuck

Sometimes, a vertical scar can be added to allow for tightening in two directions. This option is not for everyone as it does leave a visible scar in the midline. But it can be very useful for people who have undergone massive weight loss, or those who already have a vertical scar from previous surgery.

Circumferential Tummy Tuck

Sometimes, excess tissue isn’t just located in the front, it’s also on the back. A circumferential procedure addresses your abdomen, thighs, and back with a scar that goes all the way around the body. This incision is usually placed in an area that is hidden by bathing suits. Depending on incision placement, it can address issues in the buttock and thigh. This procedure is most useful in patients who have areas on the front and back or in patients who have lost a lot of weight. The back portion of the procedure can sometimes be done separately as a Lower Body Lift.

What Is the Tummy Tuck Recovery Process?

The length of recovery for our Houston patients often varies with the type of tummy tuck performed. At the time of your consultation, Dr. Mushin will outline your recovery process. In general, the process will follow a similar course:

  • Day of Procedure: Abdominoplasties (tummy tucks) generally take 3 hours, depending on whether your muscles are tightened, and if any additional procedures are done at the same time. For an abdominoplasty, you will likely have one or two drains. A compression garment will also be in place to keep the area tight.
  • Second Day: You will be seen in the office, and your dressings will be changed.
  • First Week: You should avoid strenuous activities, slowly easing into lighter activity. Swelling and bruising are common during this period. If drains are placed they can often be removed in this first or second week.
  • Subsequent Weeks: Most patients have returned to their normal work at the end of the second week, although this can vary by type of procedure any by patient recovery. Strenuous activity should be avoided for four to six weeks.

Reach Out to Schedule a Houston Tummy Tuck Consultation

Houston-raised Dr. Oren Paul Mushin is a fully-trained, highly-skilled plastic surgeon whom you can trust with your care. Educated at Duke University, one of the top medical schools in the country, and trained in New York, he brings with him extensive knowledge of cosmetic surgery to Texas. Above all, he is caring with his patients, and meticulous in his approach. To learn more about tummy tucks in Houston or to schedule yours, call our office today. We look forward to hearing from you!

Client showcasing Tummy Tuck results with a cropped top, posing confidently. Face is not visible, holding a phone in the left hand.
Client showcasing remarkable results, highlighting the successful outcome of a transformative procedure.
Client posing confidently in a bikini, face not visible, showcasing the successful results of a cosmetic procedure with a focus on body transformation.
A satisfied female client showcasing the after results of the procedure, highlighting the positive outcome and transformative effects.
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